
The following are videos of concerts, presentations, and interviews of John Doan, master harp guitarist and composer.

Performance of John Doan playing the harp guitar in Siena, Italy, in June 2010, during his European Concert Tour. Filmed by Carlo.

European Tour 2013

On tour in Europe in 2013, Canale di Nellowhite produced the following live YouTube videos of the convert at Six Bars Jail in Italy.

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL Remembering Greensleeves – 14.5.13

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL Tra Amici – 14.5.13

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL Carol of the Bells – 14.5.13

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL St. Patrick in the Spirit – 14.5.13

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL Nightcrossing – 14.5.13

John DOAN in concerto al SIX BARS JAIL Farewell – 14.5.13