Part 2: John Doan’s Southeast Asia Tour – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Meeting Harp Guitar Maker Jeffrey Yong and Brand Laureate Award – World’s Leading Harp Guitarist

Coming to Malaysia from Oregon was almost like entering a fairytale world of endless summer (95 degrees every day of the year!), palm trees, and exotic foods and products reflecting a multicultural and multi-ethnic people.

Hovering just above the equator in the South China Sea it has for centuries been a trading stop for many peoples of the region.  In addition to the indigenous and Mayla people, there is a strong presence of Chinese and Indian Culture.  Having been taken into the British Empire in the 18th century English is the common language spoken on the islands. Continue reading

Part 1: John Doan’s Southeast Asia Tour – Xi’an China, 1000 Seat Hall Sold Out, Discovery of 1400 Year Old Pagoda and Meeting With China’s Leading Guitar Builder

I returned to Xi’an China for the second time this year and was received at the airport by the concert promoter Yilin Wang and our guitarist friend Adam Varjavandi.

1. John Doan Welcomed at Xian Airport


There is nothing quite like being greeted with a bouquet of flowers (even though I had to fight to get into the picture).

2. Deirdra flowers Airport Continue reading